Sleep Profiling

The National Institute of Health estimates 50 to 70 million American’s sleep patterns suffer from sleep disorders and/or intermittent sleep problems. That means that nearly 20% of Americans are having trouble sleeping! Whether from their environment, their psychological state, or their health issues, a significant portion of America is going to class or work foggy from fatigue.

At the above link, via the BBC, you can take a sleep profiling quiz (regardless of whether or not you believe you’re a part of that 20%) that will determine how well you’re sleeping and what adjustments you might want to make.

Personally, I was recommended to remove my computer and stereo from my bedroom in order to remove temptation from activities that will stimulate my brain too much right before bed.

This has been recommended to me before by friends, but seeing the data before my eyes of my sleep schedule compared to how often I doze during the day allows me to solidify in my brain what is wrong with my sleep schedule.

This sort of online survey can quickly and easily create an e-patient in terms of such sleep issues, and is something I would particularly recommend to busy students!


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