Tag Archives: communication

Two weeks to “Millennial Medicine”! #MMed13

Blood_Drying_Unit-_Processing_Blood_in_the_Laboratory,_Cambridge,_England,_UK,_1943_D16766The Medical Futures Lab has been humming with activity in the last weeks leading up to our inaugural symposium. Response to the program has been tremendous. In addition to our incredible lineup of speakers, we have participants coming from all over the United States and beyond, and all of the major players in the Texas Medical Center will be in the house. In the afternoon we will hear from physicians, creative writers, artists, hacktivists, and open-source educators as we reimagine medical education for the doctor of the future. (See the previous blog post for details on the morning panel.) Some titles to pique your interest:

“Story-centric: Curiosity, A Glass of Water, and Other Creative Tools for Future Doctors” (Jay Baruch)

“The Art Practicum: Clinical Skills for the Digital Age” (Alexa Miller)

“Hacking Medical Education” (Fred Trotter)

“Open Source Medicine” (Rich Baraniuk)

“Public Medical Communication: A New Core Competency for 21st Century Health Professionals” (Louise Aronson)

We’ll wrap up the day with a reception in the lovely courtyard of the BioScience Research Collaborative. We hope to see you there!

Register here.

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Countdown to “Millennial Medicine: Knowledge Design for an Age of Digital Disruption” #MMed13

Millennium_Falcon_in_LEGO (1)Only three weeks left before the inaugural symposium of the Medical Futures Lab on April 26 in Houston.

The design of “Millennial Medicine” has the Lab’s multidisciplinary-critical-thinking-through-creative-design handprints all over it. We’re bringing together thought leaders from inside and outside of medical education to reimagine the future of medicine and the tools we need to get there. Our speakers are covering a thrilling array of topics, including:

“Digitizing Human Beings” (Eric Topol)

“Can Medical Education Become a Learning Ecosystem?” (Marc Triola)

“The Future of Continuing Medical Education: Can We Keep Up with Exponential Growth in Medical Knowledge?” (Yuri Millo)

“Ten Lessons About Technoculture Innovation for Medicine” (Anne Balsamo)

And that’s all before lunch. Schedule here, and watch this space for the equally fabulous after-lunch lineup.

By drawing input from different disciplines we will leverage our collective capabilities to identify core problems, create critical dialog, fashion innovative solutions, and cultivate new patterns of thinking while fostering a uniquely creative medical culture.  This innovative symposium will bring the voices of the next generation of medical leaders into the dialog about medicine’s future by asking, “how should medicine look in 2050?” Join the conversation!

Register here.


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Announcing the All-Star Cast of the Medical Media Arts Hub! (aka part two)


We’re growing our team of multidisciplinary transmedia theorists and makers, and we’re inspired by the hackathon ethos of rapid prototyping as well as the “thinkathon” ethos of engaged theoretical praxis (thanks to the brilliant Wendy Chun for bringing that great term to my attention).


A sampling of our group includes the renowned multimedia artist Allison Hunter, bioengineer and co-founder of the Caroline Collective Matthew Wettergreen, Communications expert Tracy Volz, Archimage principal and Playnormous designer of award-winning games for health Richard Buday, media agnostic principal of ttweak consultancy and Houston. It’s Worth It. visionary Dave Thompson, and more.

hiwi_1lHalf of the reason we’re so excited about this new project at the Medical Futures Lab is that we have a serious celebrity lineup on deck to help make the vision a reality.imgres-1 And every time we talk about this project, we find more top talent ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work! Watch this space for more information on becoming a community partner or a sponsor, and look for some pilot projects to appear this summer. And, as always, if you want to get involved, let us know!

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